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541 Melville Ave, Palo Alto, CA 94301,
Ph: +1.831.705.5448
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Ph: +1.831.306.6725


In this captivating tattoo design, a powerful jaguar is portrayed in the exhilarating moment of liberation. The jaguar, with a determined expression, breaks free, tearing through a rope held tightly in its mouth. The scene captures the intensity of the jaguar’s escape, depicted in a dynamic stance with one foot firmly planted, claws gripping the ground, while the other propels forward in swift motion.

Adding a fantastical touch, the jaguar is adorned with ethereal fairy wings, symbolizing freedom and transcendence. The wings spread wide, catching the wind as the jaguar races forward, creating a sense of mystical momentum.

This Design is available to book. Please dont forget to mention “Breakaway” while using our inquiry form.
